How To Use Your Thoughts To Create the Life You Want
Photo courtesy of Jack Moreh at
In my work as a numerologist and spiritual arts mentor, I work with universal energy all the time. One of the most powerful uses of that energy is the Law of Attraction.
It’s at work all the time, whether you’re using it to your benefit or not, and whether you believe in it or not.
A side note: If you’re not a believer in this powerful force, bear with me because I’ll throw some science at you. And if that doesn’t work for you, there’s still a message in here that will make sense to you, okay?
First, I’d like to clear up a common misconception.
Often, I hear people talk about how they’ve “started to use the Law of Attraction.” They suggest that it’s hanging out in a closet somewhere doing nothing until they decide to haul it out and start manifesting like crazy people.
Umm, that’s not how it works.
Same goes for the non-believers in the crowd. It’s always busy responding to your thoughts and feelings, whether you think about it, believe in it, or actively work with it — or not.
We know that everything is energy. All matter is energy. And we know that the vibrational frequencies of matter — energy — can change. Different kinds of molecules vibrate at different rates.
Other factors come into play, too, such as temperature. When molecules become cold, their vibration slows down.
“A vibrating field of energy, which attracts — like a magnet — and attaches to energy of the same vibrating frequency. The more vibrating energy that is compressed into this field of energy, the more intense the vibration gets within that field. Eventually the energy field manifests into matter: particle-by-particle.”
Tuning Forks and Opera Singers
This reminds me of tuning forks, opera singers, and homeopathy — and something I learned was studying to become a classical homeopath (a 250-ish-year-old form of alternative medicine with its foundation in energy and vibrational frequencies). Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, about which Hippocrates spoke around 400 BC. Considered to be the Father of Medicine, he knew “like cures like.”
As homeopaths, when we apply the Law of Similars and match the vibrational frequency of substances and patients, we get a cure.
Before I wander too far into that topic (although very much related — more on that another day), let me bring this back to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Similars, and energetic vibrations.
If you hit a tuning fork — let’s say it produces a Middle C note — it will vibrate rapidly and produce a perfect Middle C tone.
If you hit a second Middle C tuning fork, you might expect to hear two identical tones, as if you recorded yourself singing and then sang along with it.
But you would be wrong.
When you hit two tuning forks of identical tones, both vibrate with greater intensity and produce one loud, strong note.
That thing about opera singers shattering glass? It can happen. It means sustaining a note above 100 decibels for at least a few seconds and the singer’s voice has to match that frequency, or pitch, exactly. When the singer produces that perfect note, it increases the vibration of the glass, causing it to shatter, as you will see in this video:
(Video courtesy of Jaime Vendera on YouTube)
How does any of this relate to the Law of Attraction?
One need only look as far as electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. One of history’s greatest engineers, he “theorised that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly through the air at long distances.” He said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Meanwhile, as he was busy conducting experiments in electromagnetic fields and All Things Related, in 1910 Wallace D. Wattles wrote an incredible — and relatively short — book entitled, The Science of Getting Rich.
I swear, this little book should be required reading for everyone.
Written at a time when “energy” and “Law of Attraction” and “vibrational frequency” were far from being buzz words, this book is packed with down-to-earth information that simply cannot be ignored. Wattles was well ahead of his time, yet his concepts sound anything but “flaky,” “new age,” or “woowoo.”
An article titled The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts states that “Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency.” Wattles knew this more than 100 years ago.
One of my favourite (albeit lengthy) quotes from The Science of Getting Rich is as follows:
“Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed… there is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe… a thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by thought… man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.”
Take a minute to digest that! It’s incredibly powerful. And it means you are incredibly powerful, even if you don’t feel it in this exact moment. It means the more you deliberately direct your thoughts to what you want, the more you’re able to create it. says this: “The mind acts like a magnet. It can attract things, people and situations, and it can also repel them. This depends on your attitude, and how positive or negative you are.”
Therefore, whatever occupies your thoughts most often will show up for you. If you’re constantly wishing you had more money, you won’t attract “more money”; you’ll attract situations that keep you wishing for it. If you dwell on everything that’s wrong in your life, you’ll get more of the same.
It takes time to attract anything into your life and it requires a lot of feeling behind it. Think about your own thoughts and feelings. Which topics get the most thoughts and the strongest feelings? Where is the bulk of your attention going?
Wherever it is, that’s what will show up for you.
This is why believing in the Law of Attraction (LOA) is irrelevant. It’s why you don’t have to “specifically choose to work with it” in order for it to affect your life.
You are a powerful magnet. You’re like a beacon but instead of light, you’re sending out a strong, vibrational frequency that is produced by your strongest feelings and most frequent thoughts. The universe answers back in kind.
The first several seconds of this video show you how that works:
(Video courtesy of PsiTechs on YouTube)
And If You’re Still In Doubt…
Now…I promised the non-believers a message that would make sense to them even without all of this science (in case that doesn’t do it for them).
Even if you remove what you might call the “woowoo Law of Attraction,” there’s still your subconscious to consider.
And…what’s that got to do with anything, you ask?
Your subconscious is a vault for every single experience you’ve ever had. Every word spoken or heard, every song, every argument, every person you’ve met. Every second of your life has been recorded. It’s stashed away in there and throughout those experiences, you will have accumulated a lot of beliefs that are the driving force of your entire life.
About 90% of those beliefs are unknown to you, yet they are calling the shots on every single aspect of your life.
Imagine that! You don’t know what most of the beliefs are but they’re at the root of every decision you make. It’s like having a crazy little maniac running around in your subconscious and making those decisions for you. 🙄🤦🏻♀️
Your beliefs are responsible for what you think, and therefore, what you do.
For example, if you have deep-seated beliefs that you don’t deserve good things or you aren’t worthy of success or no one wants what you’re offering, or you’re complete loser who can’t do anything right, they will impact every thought you have and the choices you make as a result of them.
Those beliefs don’t even have to be conscious. But they’re still there, and they are running roughshod over your decisions. Guaranteed.
As a hypnotist, I’ve enjoyed learning about the astonishing (understated) power of the subconscious and working with it in myself and clients for all sorts of issues, such as stopping smoking, weight loss, pain relief, or public speaking.
For example, I used to be terrified of dental appointments. Now, a few decades after using hypnosis to address that fear, when I get in a dental chair I can lie back, close my eyes, and relax. Couldn’t really care less what they do in there.
How does that work?
Hypnosis is nothing more than willingly being in a deep state of relaxation, during which the mind is intently focused on the suggestions that are given. That deep relaxation allows you to bypass the conscious mind — the gatekeeper — and deposit desired beliefs directly into that “vault” — your subconscious. When done by someone qualified, those beliefs will override the ones that are sabotaging your life.
But without hypnosis or other deliberate intervention to address those damaging beliefs, you’ll keep getting more of what you’ve already got.
Imagine this: Let’s say you hate your job. I mean, really hate it. But you had a hard enough time finding it and you’ve heard there’s a shortage of jobs out there. Your confidence is at an all-time low and you don’t believe you could get another job, even if you dared see if there was anything that might look like a good fit.
Coming from that frame of mind, it’s like wearing blinders. Bearing in mind that your subconscious never sleeps, it is constantly looking for ways to validate what it believes. So even if job ads or opportunities are in your field of vision or awareness, your subconscious will tune them out.
Or if you do happen to notice any, you’ll dismiss them with an “I’ll never get it anyway” attitude. Your subconscious beliefs will sabotage your efforts.
So you’ll keep going to work, hating your job, and believing you’re stuck with it.
But let’s say you decide you’ve had enough and you’re going to go for it. You believe you’re well-qualified and up for the task. You’re eager for a change. These are completely different beliefs from the previous scenario.
Your subconscious sits up and takes notice. It will help you see those job opportunities and ads. You’re ready, willing, and able to pick up on conversations about potential employment or other relevant information.
Having an open mindset changes the outcome completely because your subconscious pays attention to opportunities that fit what you’re looking for.
It’s like if you decide to buy a blue car. Everywhere you look, all the blue cars seem to jump out at you. Or you’ve just found out you’re pregnant. Suddenly, it seems every third person has a “baby belly.”
It’s because your vibrational frequency has changed. And your subconscious is paying attention to what’s most prominently in your awareness.
Put them together and you have a rockin’ Law of Attraction situation going on.
As I have said on numerous occasions, “If you want your life to change, you have to change your life.” If you’re not willing to focus on possibilities, you will stay stuck right where you are.
And if you truly want a different life, you will get out there and create it.
It’s all down to your thoughts and energy, however you want to interpret that.
There’s no end of discussion about the Law of Attraction and manifesting these days. There are countless overnight “manifesting videos” to play while you sleep, including my own. They help change your thought patterns by planting helpful statements and beliefs in the subconscious.
Whether or not you believe in it, whether or not you think about it, the Law of Attraction is always working. Are you letting it wreak havoc on your life while you ignore it? Or are you using it to manifest the life of your dreams?
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.