Time Does Not Heal All Wounds…Not by Itself Anyway
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” — Rose Kennedy
It’s a sad state of affairs when there are upsetting events in our lives. Sometimes they come about because we have to make decisions that we know are good for us, even if they will hurt. But at least we know we made our choices, our own conscious decisions, and that we made them willingly, and this can help us choke down the hard parts.
More often than not, the painful parts of life are the result of events or circumstances that are beyond our control, forcing us into situations we do not want, which makes them feel even worse. We wrestle with what we want, which isn’t at all what we got. We can scream and yell and throw things, or hole up under a duvet and cry, but it still won’t change the facts.
I’ve known for some time that our thoughts affect us profoundly, that they have a significant impact on how we feel emotionally. It wasn’t until I was working on a self-healing project (having suffered with a major heart problem for several years) and the research that went with it, that I was also led to extremely interesting — and somewhat frightening — information about how profoundly those thoughts and emotions affect us physically, too, being major contributors to illness of all kinds.
Here is an excerpt about this from my book, The Power and Simplicity of Self- Healing:
“The central nervous system (CNS) is an extremely complex part of the body, yet many of its functions begin with a simple thought. Your brain is one big electromagnetic field, and we know that thoughts produce electromagnetic waves. Astonishingly, they create these chemical messengers, seemingly out of nothing. When you want to bake a cake, you go to the kitchen and take out the flour, sugar, eggs etc. and mix them all together. But a thought has no substance. A thought has no molecules. And out of that electromagnetic wave comes the immediate creation of a chemical messenger, which is instantly sent out and picked up by receptors on cell walls throughout the entire body.
“Previously, it was thought that the CNS operated a one-way system of communication, with neurotransmitters and neuropeptides remaining only in the brain. But it has become clear that this tells only half the story. Through various methods, such as the bloodstream and immune system, chemical messages are constantly being relayed from cells in the brain to receptors on cell walls throughout the body — and back again. Cells communicate with each other, too, because the body is one whole unit and it has been designed to function as such.
“It has been discovered that there are approximately 60 different neuropeptides in the brain, and they allow cells to communicate with one another in four ways: via brain-to-brain, brain-to-body, body-to-body and body-to-brain messages. These neuropeptides, and therefore the messages they are carrying, change and fluctuate constantly along with your thoughts and emotions throughout every day and they are ultimately responsible for whether or not you become ill — or well.
“Every thought, idea or belief we have creates an emotion, whether positive or negative, helpful or harmful, and each one carries with it a chemical consequence. Instantaneously, chemical messages of these thoughts and feelings are delivered to receptors on every single cell in the body.”
These chemical messages wreak havoc and alter our chemistry, thereby creating disease. So in the pursuit of happiness and good health, we cannot rely on “time” to heal us, all by itself. We can wait and wait and wait until The Very Hot Place freezes over, but if we choose to stay stuck in our misery, wishing for what was, refusing to accept what is, ignoring the blessings and focusing on all that is lost or wrong, we will never feel well.
And if we continue to focus on all that negativity, we are doing ourselves physical harm, setting ourselves up for all manner of diseases and health problems.
Do yourself a favour. If you are struggling to get over an emotional wound, do whatever you can to change how you view it, or to at least inject more positive thinking into your daily life. Not only will you feel happier, your body will thank you for it, too.
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Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.