How I Regret Not Being Careful What I Wished For…🤦🏻♀️
Photo by StuartMiles from Freerange Stock
“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” — Edgar Allan Poe
It had happened yet again. My life was blown to smithereens and I was left to figure out how to put it back together in a new way. To be fair, I’d had enough practice it should have been relatively simple. But this time, it brought new challenges that I hadn’t had to face any of the other times I was stuffing puzzle pieces into place without the box lid to guide me.
Much like Dorothy and Toto were blown to Oz, while I was on my way to Smithereens I had the distinct impression that I wasn’t anywhere recognisable anymore. Talk about your “fresh start” — yep, a complete overhaul was in order. It began with being gutted that I had to leave my beloved 500-year-old cottage, Ravenswood, in England and move back to Canada (not kickin’ Canada — it’s a magnificent country, but when I moved to England years earlier and became a British citizen, I intended to live the rest of my life in that magically beautiful, history-laden, lovely old country).
The Universe had made it clear. Whatever the hell I wanted was irrelevant. So I packed up and back to Canada I went.
As Al Jolson sang in 1913, 🎹 “I didn’t wanna do it, I didn’t wanna do it.”🎶 Anyhoo…let’s just say I was thrown into an incredibly, awfully, terribly busy decade or so 🐝, a decade in which I was burning the candle at both ends — and in the middle. 🕯️🥵🕯️🥵🕯️ Oops.
In recent years, I started thinking, “I could sure use a break.” But a break never came. Over time, that morphed into thinking, “Man, I really need break.” Nope. Nuthin’. Nada.
I was beyond exhausted. Running on fumes. I cranked up the heat on my pleas to the Universe, begging desperately. “Please, please, puh-leeeeease gimme a break!”
And by that time, I’d thrown in an extra little goodie. For added oomph, of course. You can never have too much oomph, right? Time after time, I said, thought, whispered, and dreamed about how I wished I could have a reeeeally looooong period of time in which I could do absolutely nothing.
Equally, the Universe had cranked up the heat in its preparations for me! Wasn’t that lovely of it? I’m such a lucky girl! Little did I know, it had been paying attention for all those months — actually, a few years— and it had been busy figuring out the very best way to answer my fervent prayers.
Cut to another scene. 🎥 ️Last year, I slipped on some sneaky black ice. I ripped the quadriceps muscle right off the bone and my kneecap was in pieces. I required surgery and 10 months later, am now learning how to walk again. I’ve still got a long way to go in my healing and am unable to do many things for myself — which is — well, a bit challenging because I’m on my own. 🤦🏻♀️
But here’s the cool thing. The Universe had done its own version of ringing up Skip or Dash and delivering Exactly. What. I. Had. Ordered. 🎁
I’d been begging for a break. I got a really spectacular one!
X ray of author’s fractured patella - Notice the shadow of the ENORMOUS swelling of my knee?!
And presto! Two birds with one stone! Gift Number 2 🎁 🎁 arrived at the same time! In one fell swoop, I got the break I craved and with that whole muscle-ripping-off-the-bone thing, I was going to require a lot longer to heal, further enhanced by the fact that I’m, uh, not 20 anymore, so this was the perfect gift. The Universe is so clever! Plus it would require many months of rehab. Many. Just to be sure I can’t do a whole helluva lot for a good long time. Yay! (I wish I knew just how many it’ll be, though!)
But Wait! There’s More!
The Universe, in its generosity and wisdom, knew that just a few months would not be enough for a “reeeeally looooong period of time in which I could do absolutely nothing.” Thanks to this injury, it offered up a Bonus Gift — Number 3, and it’s a doozy! 🎁 🎁 🎁 I developed CRPS (Type 2) shortly after my surgery, a debilitating condition (check out the Netflix documentary, “Take Care of Maya” for a shockingly tragic story) that can become permanent — but I’m trusting that it won’t. After all, my request was for a reeeeeally loooong period of time. Not forever. 😬 Although dang. I just realised. A reeeeeally looooong period of time by my standards is, um, a tad different from the Universe’s. 😳
My Bonus Gift — CRPS — is the reason I still can’t walk without assistance (but I am slooooooowly 🐢 progressing, in spite of the odd relapse). I do 3+ hours of rehab daily and am confined to my home (for now!). Just to make sure this injury keeps me unable to do much of anything — Exactly. What. I. Ordered.
BUT yucky parts of this journey aside (yep, there have been a couple), I’ve had a lot of time to do absolutely nothing. I was in so much pain (and so sleep-deprived because of it) for months, I couldn’t even read. I stared at the ceiling, Netflix, the insides of my eyelids and waited for time to pass. The minutes dragged like months. Can you spell BORED??? But I got the break — uh, oops, the “rest” I needed so desperately.
The Moral of the Story
You are a big magnet! How many times have I said this to others or thought it to myself? How many times have I thought about the vibrational frequency in our words, and therefore in our energy, and that we are constantly emitting messages, signals out into the Universe and it will respond accordingly???
This is how we are able to manifest what we keep thinking or talking about — for better or worse.
Side note: A fun one is that when I was younger, I kept saying, “I need patience, gimme patience, please can I have patience!” After a couple of decades of ill health which led to great healing with homeopathy, I dove into a 4-year program and became a homeopath. And presto. It wasn’t long before I had hundreds of patients. 😂😂😂
Think the Universe doesn’t give you what you say you want? Oh, it does. It really does. Sometimes it might not come in the package you thought you asked for (see above ☝️ for details!) and it might not come in the timeframe you want — which is good because it offers you an opportunity to course correct, to check, double check, triple check your words. What are you asking for? How might those words be interpreted?
As a writer, I should have known better. And as a practicing witch, I should have known better. I’m well aware that when creating a spell, I must be exceptionally careful to consider all possible consequences. For example, if you ask for a million dollars, you could be in a car accident, become quadriplegic, and get a million dollars in insurance. Oops. 🙄
A spell amplifies the power, the universal energy that is responsible for creating everything in existence, and directs it to the person for whom the spell is being cast.
But somewhere along the way, in my exhaustion and perpetual state of burnout, I stopped paying attention to my words. I got the break. I got the reeeeeally looooong period in which I could do absolutely nothing. There are so many words I could have used to bring about the desired result.
Take care with every single word you think or speak. You just might get exactly what you wish for.
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