Intuition: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters
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If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll know that I’m a psychic and medium, and that these abilities began in childhood. With decades of development and ultimately doing professional readings, I’ve also naturally been drawn to all sorts of other aspects of spirituality.
Throw in an exceptionally challenging life and a long and powerful healing journey that wove itself together with my spiritual nature, and presto. I live in Woowoo Land with a hefty dose of reality, groundedness, and connecting the physical world with the spirit realm.
A part of that journey — and especially, my personal healing from toxic beliefs of childhood — has been about learning to notice — and then trust — my intuition. I grew up in a frightening and unsafe home, the youngest in a family whose other members took out their frustrations and bad days on me. I did not have a right to my own opinions or feelings and learned quickly that they were always wrong. Any “little voice” I heard was always telling me to do what others needed or wanted.
As unhappy as all of that was, it served me well in terms of giving me plenty of lessons, a significant one being that the “little voice” I’d been hearing was not my intuition. It was my mother’s voice buried deep in my soul, telling me that I must do what’s right for everyone else.
Another significant lesson was that my feelings and opinions do matter. It would take many years before these awarenesses sank deeply enough into my soul that I could take them on board and use them to my advantage.
As I worked my way through my healing and spiritual journeys, gradually I got better at being able to recognise and follow my intuition. It’s that quiet “knowing” that something is or isn’t right. It doesn’t need a reason; it doesn’t require an explanation or justification. It’s just there, saying, “Here I am, you can hear me and you know this is the right thing to do.”
It’s not the voice that tells you, “But your husband/wife/partner (or anyone else) wants you to (fill in the blank).” It’s not the voice that says, “But other people will be so disappointed in me.” It’s not the voice that says, “But so-and-so is expecting this, not that.”
And it’s definitely not the voice that says, “But you don’t deserve to do this thing you’d really love and enjoy.”
Your “little voice” — your intuition — will always, always, always have your best interests at heart. It’s not there to make sure your husband is happy or your kids are happy (oranyone other than you) — especially when it meansyouarenothappy and you’re giving up a piece of yourself.Your intuition is there to guide you toward your own purpose, your destiny, to nudge you down the path of doing what your soul came here to do.It’s there to encourage you that you’re on the right path, and to warn you when you’re on the wrong one.
And I’m sure that if you’re a living, breathing human, you know by now that whenever you’ve ignored that little voice, it’s never turned out well.
Here’s a prime example of what I’m talking about. Some of you will know a bit about the soap-opera life I’ve lived (thank heaven it’s finally peaceful, after decades of healing). And you’ll know that I’ve got six divorces behind me, all down to those toxic childhood beliefs that said I was here to make other people happy and had no right to my own feelings. Yeah…wrong.
My intuition was screaming at me in five of those six pre-wedding periods. I didn’t want to go through with them. But I didn’t have “a reason.” So I didn’t trust that little voice. I didn’t listen.
And I paid a hefty price every time.
When your intuition is speaking, it’s like a memo from Spirit. Call it your Higher Self, call it a message straight from the Divine — it’s all kinda the same thing because we are that beautiful, pure Divine energy that created All That Is. We just happen to be carting around our own portions of it in these physical bodies we wear for a while.
Your intuition is that “feeling” in your gut that’s serving as either a confirmation or a warning. The trick is trusting it and listening to it. I can promise you, it’ll never steer you wrong. It’s only when we go against that we find ourselves saying, “I should have listened.”
I sure wish I’d listened to it before those weddings I knew were a bad idea… I could have saved myself and a lot of other people a whole load of trouble.