How To Unlock Your Limitless Potential In One Simple Step
The Magician: Author’s photo from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck
Thought I’d share a li’l somethin’ different today, as I was playing with my Tarot cards earlier. And oh, my goodness! Yay!! I got the Magician! One of my favourites!
Although to be fair to the other 77 cards, they’re all special in their own way. Even the “not so happy ones.” Like the Tower, where everything has blown up, flames are shooting out of the windows, people are falling to the ground below and it’s absolute chaos. But you see, as difficult as those moments — okay, long moments — oh, all right, as difficult as those periods of our lives can be, they always pass. And at the end of them, we’ve become stronger, more resilient. We’ve gained insights or life-changing lessons. In some cases, we survived — and that, in and of itself, was a miracle.
The Tower represents sudden change, having the rug pulled out from under you — which sounds scary and maybe doesn’t feel so good, but it needed to happen in order to get you to a better place.
It can also simply represent a new perspective, a complete shift in how you see something. See? That’s not so scary. Right?
So although it can be somewhat daunting to see the, um, more challenging cards turn up, all of them are still good, in my view. Or at least, eventually. There’s always going to come with a gift — if you’re willing to see it.
And then there are the more fun ones, like the guy in the photo at the top of this page.
Keeping it simple, the Magician shows up to remind you that you are a magical being. You are a creator. You have limitless potential, and with that collection of goodies he’s got in front of him, he’s showing you that you have all the tools you need to create whatever your heart desires.
As a Magician, he is able to manifest, to create something out of nothing — or rather, out of his thoughts, his desires, his imagination. They might not have physical form but without them, nothing would be created. They bring everything into being. Everything.
He reminds you of your natural talents, your skills, everything you’ve learned. He reminds you that you’re a magical being, that you have loads of abilities and untapped potential inside you, and that no matter how difficult the road has been, no matter how miserable things are right now, no matter how many “failures” you’ve had so far, your ability to create something new, something different, something better is a heartbeat away.
Maybe you’ve lost your mojo. You’ve got off track. You’ve been beaten up by life for so long, you wonder what the heck your purpose is anyway. You don’t even remember how to have fun.
The thing is, the Magician reminds you that you are a magical, creative being. And if the word “magical” freaks you out because you aren’t a unicorn or a leprechaun, how about just going for the “creative being” part? Does that work for you? ’Cause that’s what you are. Even when you don’t feel like one.
What have you been wanting to create? Is there a secret wish or a dream deep down inside that you’d really like to see come true? Or one that’s right there in front of you that you’ve been working on, or planning to do? What are you waiting for??
What’s one step you can take today toward activating the Magician that’s right there inside you? One little step? It can even be a baby step!
That dream begins as a little seed. You nurture that seed by taking that first step, that one simple “something” you can do toward seeing your dream grow up to become a reality. And you take another one. And another…Soon, all those simple steps add up. You begin to see that you’re creating something. Your dream is coming true. Your wish is being fulfilled.
Amazing what seeds do, isn’t it? You stick them in soil or sand or whatever it is they prefer. You give them as much light and water as they need, you provide the right environment for them, and wow! They take root. They start to grow. Packed away in that tiny little seed is absolutely everything it requires to become an entire little flower or cherry tree or a giant redwood.
Whatever it was intended to be.
And it happens…just like magic.
One after another, with each of those simple little steps you take in nurturing the seed of your dream to be or do something new, something different, something better, you are activating that same magic that’s right there inside yourself.
Just like the Magician that you already are.