How To Stop the Wheels From Coming Off in 3 Minutes or Less
Image by author using AI
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen — that stillness becomes a radiance.” — Morgan Freeman
I’m guessing that if you’re like many people, you know just how noisy life can be. As you make your way through each day, zipping from one task to another — and often juggling a few at once — sometimes it can feel like no matter how much you’re getting done, your day feels louder and noisier by the minute. What the heck is up with that anyway?
And then out of the blue, there’s a delicious moment in the midst of all of it. A teeny reprieve. One beautiful little moment of stillness. And in that moment, all the noise fades away and all you feel is peace. Have you ever had that happen?
I have. I remember one such moment as clearly as if it happened this morning. It was one of those brain-draining days in which it felt like I was on overload. Hamster + wheel = me. 🤦🏻♀️ I was swamped and rushing to meet a deadline plus had a daughter who called, needing Mama’s insights to help her navigate a personal issue. And I’d hardly slept in a few nights. I was a tad frazzled, to say the least, and doing my best to keep my cool.
Suddenly, I was aware of the mounting feeling of tension in my body — the first sign that I’m responding to stress in a way that isn’t healthy and doesn’t feel good.
I was waiting for my daughter to call me back on her lunch break, which wouldn’t be for a little while. I stared at the project I was working on and — okay, I’ll be honest. I told it to piss off for a few minutes and I headed outside. I was desperate for a chance to catch my breath. To gather my thoughts and calm that awful feeling of being in a blender. I closed my eyes, drew in a deep breath, and as I exhaled, I began to release the tension in my body.
I felt the warmth of the sun on my face. I became aware of a slight breeze and the soft sound of leaves rustling in the large trees nearby. My inner world was still again. I could have stood there for an hour with my eyes closed, enjoying the peace of that moment. But the deadline was still waiting.
As I went back inside, I realised my daughter’s situation wasn’t urgent and could wait a few hours till I’d met my deadline. It’s so easy to slip into “Mama” mode when she needs me and oops, that’s exactly what I’d done when she’d rung to ask if I could talk. I should have said I was up to my eyeballs with a deadline and asked if it could wait, but I didn’t.
I arrived back at my desk feeling so much better, I was actually smiling. I’d only been outside for a couple of minutes but it was enough. I felt grounded and composed, ready to meet my deadline.
I sent my daughter a text, explaining about the deadline and asking if we could continue our chat later. Of course she said that was fine, and I finished my project in record time.
Whenever you feel like the wheels are coming off, remember to take a moment to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, let go of those spinning thoughts, and find your center again. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or require anything fancy. It just takes noticing that you need it — and then giving yourself that quiet moment to go inward.
It’ll make all the difference in the world.