This Is Why Numerology Can Change Your Life
Photo courtesy of Willfried Wende from Pixabay
As a numerologist, I’m fascinated by the power and energy in numbers, and how it shows up in our lives. Like many people, I used to think numerology was just a bit of fun. How could numbers hold energy? And how could that energy have anything to do with dates, times, addresses, birthdates — anything else that involves numbers?
Even more puzzling, how could that energy have anything to do with letters and words, such as in a name? And how was it possible that this could impact a person’s life — for better or worse?
I thought it was just a bit of fun.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
History of Numerology
It is believed that the theories, practices and thoughts that we call “numerology” have been with us for as long as people have existed on the planet. Some of the earliest records of its use have been found in ancient Egypt and Babylon as well as in Japan, China, Rome, and Greece.
Although it wouldn’t get this name until 1907 (as far as records indicate), we know it can be traced back to at least 500 BC when the great Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagorus, discovered a direct relationship between numbers and music notes.
He developed a theory that involved using people’s birthdates and the vibrations of notes that corresponded to those numbers. This would give accurate descriptions of the personalities that they displayed in public.
In fact, according to Times Square Chronicles, he was “…one of the first people to inspire the ideas that would eventually lead to the creation of zodiac signs.”
Pythagorus’ fascination with numbers is well-documented. He is known to have gone to Egypt, where he studied Chaldean numerology for 22 years.
What is not so widely known is that he emigrated to southern Italy in about 532 BC where he set up one of the earliest universities in the world in Crotone. Along with religious and scientific study, there were lessons about how studying numbers could lead to greater knowledge and understanding of people and their destinies.
Pythagorus believed that numbers could explain everything in the universe could be translated to numerical form and in most cases, reduced down to a single digit.
More than two thousand years later, we are still using the “Pythagorean Number System” in numerology, although there are a some variations in how numerologists use it.
With thousands of years’ history behind it in many countries and ancient civilisations, numerology provides a trustworthy roadmap that can help you maximise your potential positive traits and and minimise the ones that might get in your way.
Note: It’s not enough to do your own calculations based on what you find on the internet; there is a complex system involved that requires someone who has been properly trained. There is more than one way to calculate and many numerologists are not aware of one of them that can change your entire chart.
The only thing worse than having no information is having inaccurate information and making poor decisions with long-term consequences because of it.
My Studies Began
Over the course of my long spiritual journey, I had dabbled in numerology — but only a bit. I suppose I was curious and open-minded but didn’t take it seriously enough to dive too deeply into it.
Until a man walked into one of my art exhibitions and changed my life.
It was great that he bought one of my paintings to use in a book he was writing and he asked if I’d be interested in doing the cover for another that was in the works. I said “Yes” — of course! — and gave him my contact information.
Through the course of working with him on that project a few months later, I learned that he was a numerologist (and more). Just for fun, I hired him to prepare a full report and when it was ready, I had an appointment with him that blew my doors off.
I sat gobsmacked in his home as he spent the better part of an hour telling me all sorts of traits about myself that he couldn’t have known. He told me about the Personal Year I was in, as well as the previous couple of years and the themes and issues that I would have been facing in those time periods.
He was right about all of that, too.
He said there were four numbers that came from my birthdate, one of which was my Life Path (or Destiny)— 22, one of the Master Numbers. He said, “It’s the Master Teacher, the Master Builder. You’re meant to transform lives on a grand scale.”
I can still remember how those words hit me. I was stunned and told him I couldn’t imagine that was possible. How on earth could I do that?
He said, “The numbers never lie. They are always right. I’ll bet if you look back through your life, you’ve always had people coming to you for help. They’ve been looking to you to change their lives in some way. You’ll have always been in jobs or situations that allowed you to do that.”
He was right. My background was in social work and counselling. I had become a hypnotist to further help my clients with deeper healing and help in other ways, like stopping smoking or losing weight. I did volunteer work for many years, helping those who were having emotional and life challenges.
Later, I became a classical homeopath and had a thriving practice. I had incredible success treating my patients with all sorts of mental, emotional and physical ailments. I’ve also got natural abilities using energy for healing and well as for protection, with one particularly remarkable story that still shocks me years later.
I thought back to when I was about 20, a divorced single parent and doing battle with anxiety disorders like anorexia, OCD, agoraphobia and panic attacks. My life was a train wreck (and I was just getting started) yet even then, people were always coming to me with their troubles.
I was seriously short on skills but I did my best to offer a kind word, a bit of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on. Whatever I could do.
I can’t help but refer to that period as the severely visually impaired leading the blind…
So yes…this man was right. It was there all along. I just hadn’t picked up the ball and run with it.
He said, “The 22 is the most powerful of all the numbers but people with this Life Path have a hard time coming to grips with that power. Many never reach their full potential because of it and if they do, it’s not until mid-life and later.”
Well, he’d got that part right, too.
I had been doing readings as a psychic and medium for many years by that point and I’d dabbled in Tarot. I was eager to learn more so I hired him as my teacher and mentor. Over the next five years, we dove deeper into my natural abilities and Tarot, as well as other subjects such as divination, and how to connect with your true spirit guide — and ensure you don’t have a false one.
And of course, he spent a lot of time teaching me about numerology and the unique way that he had been taught to do it.
Eventually, I began doing numerology reports and consultations for clients and was absolutely fascinated by the results. In the many years I’ve been doing them, they are always spot on, always accurate, offering clarity and guidance about all sorts of life events and situations.
Let’s Get Personal
One of the most helpful aspects of numerology is in determining your Personal Year number. It changes on your birthday and the energy carries through to the following one. It will gradually grow stronger to the mid-point of the one-year period (not the calendar year) and then wanes until your next birthday, at which point you’ll gradually have begun feeling the energy of the next Personal Year creeping in during the weeks leading up to that date.
This has been happening for me recently. About mid-January, I felt the first stirrings of my upcoming Personal Year 5. With my birthday a little over a month away at that point, I was excited. I’m completing an exhausting Year 4, which is all about a lot of hard work and attention to detail. It’s gruelling but productive, if you choose to use the energy wisely.
The good news is that in a Year 4, all that hard work doesn’t feel as hard as it would do in, say, a Year 3, which is all about the joy of living and having fun. Not a nice time to bust your backside with work; it’s like pushing a river upstream.
I always look forward to seeing clients just before their birthdays. It’s an amazing opportunity to hear how they worked with the energy of the previous year, what the results have been, and to discuss and prepare for whatever lies ahead with the upcoming one.
So what’s coming for me in my Year 5 that’s got me so excited? Well, after a lot of work and focus for a number of years, I couldn’t be more ready for the gifts that are waiting for me.
This is a peek at what I can expect:
Change, expansion and growth are key words for this year. Expect new places, new faces, new ideas or new jobs to play a part now. You can expect rapid and frequent changes of mind, thought and outlook, restlessness and a yearning to travel. Freedom from the restrictions of last year is possible now.
Do not rush into things or make hasty decisions now, but equally be sure to take advantage of opportunities as they pass. Try to be as loose, free and flexible as possible. Move away from routine and order and get out of any rut in which you have been stuck. (*My rut is so deep, I’d need a crane to get me out! Year 5 to the rescue!!! Woohoo!!!) All opportunities now are involved with the new.(Yay!!!!!)
Moving house and moving job are both highlighted this year, as is an increased amount of travel. Be progressive, optimistic and forward thinking. Involvement with detail is likely to feel confusing now. Try to become more versatile and seek a wider variety of friends.
Be careful not to scatter your energies by having too many irons in the fire. Add new projects to liven up work or business, if relevant give advertising a chance and be prepared to travel to take maximum advantage of all that this year has to offer.
Opportunity will come knocking more than once this year. The amount to which you will be able to take advantage of these opportunities will be directly related to how financially secure you are.
You will find yourself more attractive this year, and your sex life should improve dramatically (My what?? Oh, wait! I have some vague memory of what that is! Hmm. Perhaps Mr Someone Special is on the horizon?!). Take care with this though; carelessness may well cause accidents that will cause you to change your plans– particularly at the end of the year.
This is the midpoint in the 9-year cycle and significant changes should be expected. The changes may not actually be of your creation but now is the time to take advantage of those changes to recreate your life as you would wish it.
So there you have it, folks. A peek at what’s ahead for me with my birthday later in Feb.
Shining a Light
Another reason I love numerology — and in particular, working with Personal Years — is it shines a light on what’s ahead, and not in a way that psychics do, where you just cross your fingers and hope they’re good at what they do. You can’t change the energy of the numbers; you will always be able to feel it working in your life.
When considering a wedding, the purchase of a home, time to launch a business, needing a big “time out,” or any other major life changes, it’s great to be able to look ahead at upcoming years and begin planning accordingly.
This can also bring hope after a period of struggle. But of course, it works best if you’ve been taking advantage of the energies of each year and working with them to maximise the benefits and minimise the potential pitfalls.
It’s certainly had a massive impact on my own life throughout these years since my studies. And it’s been such a joy watching how it has helped my clients transform their lives, maximise their strengths and take advantage of the best energies in each year.
Who knew that four numbers derived from your birthdate could provide so much information?
Then there is another set of numbers that come from your name. That’s a whole lot more complicated and especially if you’ve changed it through marriage or for other reasons.
I don’t want your brains to fly out your ears so I’ll stop there and let you contemplate the amazing power of numbers!
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.