How To Start Changing Your Life In Seconds
Photo by author — Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
The Oracle Card I’ve drawn for you today is about Perception. How could that be useful? I mean, it’s just a little thing…(she says, definitely kidding).
Actually, it’s a pretty big thing. The way you view everyone and everything is entirely about your perception. It’s like a filter that colours everything you see, hear and experience.
This is why you can have ten other people who witness the same event as you and they’ll all give slightly — or perhaps vastly — different accounts of it than yours.
Here’s the tricky bit:
Your perception isn’t where the difference begins. It’s the result of a lifetime of beliefs that have been firmly planted in your subconscious.
And you got those from everything you experienced. Everything you heard, saw, were told, shown or taught. But that conversation is for another day.
The point is that those beliefs are at the root of your perception. How you view a situation can make all the difference in the world.
The great thing about your perception is that it’s easier to shift than your beliefs, although when you remain open to changing your perception, eventually your beliefs can follow suit.
Here’s how changing your perception works:
Think about the challenges you’re having in your life right now (although it is my sincere hope that everything is splendiferous in your world). You can look at all of those issues, or maybe it’s just one big, fat, hair, ugly issue.
You’re looking at that issue and you’re seeing it a certain way, right? Just like if you look into a kaleidoscope and you get something like this:
Photo courtesy of this author
That picture is made up of lots of little coloured bits of glass or plastic etc. There are mirrors inside the kaleidoscope to create the symmetrical pattern effect.
And of course, you know what a kaleidoscope does…you twist the end of it, causing the coloured pieces to move and you get this:
Photo courtesy of this author
The colour emphasis changes, the pattern is different, there’s another energy and feeling to this one as compared to the previous image.
So you give the kaleidoscope another twist and you get this:
Photo courtesy of this author
And here we are with yet another emphasis, another pattern, an image that is quite different from the two above.
So what’s my point?
In all three images, you’re looking at the same coloured bits. It’s just that with a slight twist of the wrist, they shift and you get a different view. Some aspects are highlighted that weren’t in the others. Some disappear from view.
It’s like this with life and the challenges we face. Things can look one way and maybe it feels hopeless or disappointing or daunting.
But as soon as you shift your perception of it, a whole new picture emerges.
This is the best way to approach any big decision or difficult situation; do your best to see it from another angle, another viewpoint.
So when someone tries to offer a different way of looking at something, even if it’s someone who isn’t exactly “on your team,” don’t dismiss it. Keep an open mind and see if you can find another view that you hadn’t thought of before.
This can make all the difference in the world in terms of helping you feel better, accept a situation that is difficult, or move forward.
Be a kaleidoscope. It will change your life.
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.
Read more below.