Better Take My Own Damn Medicine…Without a Spoonful of Sugar-Coating
Photo courtesy of analogicus from Pixabay
I need a dose of medicine. And a fairly good-sized one, at that. In fact, I could use a bottle or two. And the medicine is my own.
I’ve gotta stop working 18 or 19 hours a day. I do this at weekends, too. I’m not good at “time off” because I love what I do and it doesn’t feel like work. I’m having a good time so I just keep going and going and going…rather like the Energizer Bunny.
I may not have noticed all that work, but my body certainly has. And it’s rebelling. It knows that I slid back into being too busy with “work”, then turned around one day to discover that I’ve stopped doing yoga. I’ve stopped studying Italian. I’ve stopped eating proper meals (or even proper grazing “meals” and am living on a bite of this and a little snack on that).
I’ve not slept well for…uh…ever? So I used to have naps on my worst days but oops, I’ve stopped doing that, too. I can be absolutely wrung out and desperate for sleep, but I keep going, saying I’ll nap later, later, later.
And it never happens.
I’ve stopped doing my writing practice, which I loved so much. I learned about this from Natalie Goldberg in her brilliant book, Writing Down the Bones (recommended highly for any writer). It’s completely different from my regular writing of books, on Medium etc., all of which are done on computer.
Goldberg’s “writing practice” is a daily exercise that involves a fountain pen and a notebook, writing on a specific topic without stopping at all, just a completely free-flowing bunch of words. There’s no going back to correct, no stopping to think about it, just writing writing writing for a set time, or number of pages.
If you get stuck and can’t think of what to write, just write that. The point is to write and DO NOT STOP. This allows you to bypass your brain and your “thinky self” and dive into a deeper place of feeling and connection with your inner world, your higher self.
When I did my writing practice regularly, sometimes I came up with some wonderful insights and ideas because it was like meditating when I got into that zone. Everything just flowed; there was no stopping, no restriction. It was absolutely wonderful and freeing.
For me, writing is a not just a hobby or a passion; it is as important and essential to me as food and air. It’s the same with wanting to reach out and help people. I want to do it. I love to do it. What a blessing to be able to use my words to offer hope, comfort, reassurance, encouragement, maybe even a little cheerleading or some laughter — anything to lift the spirits of those who could stand to feel better.
But because “work” for me is so enjoyable and is just a natural extension of who I am, I didn’t notice that my life is now entirely lopsided.
Paying the Damned Piper
I might not have noticed it but my body has sure noticed how out of balance I am. It’s been trying to tell me this but I’ve not been paying attention. Some days, I’ve had extreme pain in my right arm, shoulder and hand — a repetitive strain injury from too much computer time. Oops.
I can’t believe it took me ages to figure out why it’s been hurting so much. Some days I’ve had a lot of pain just getting dressed, turning on a light, or brushing my teeth.
I could ignore those minor ouches quite easily as I lived with chronic pain for a few decades and got good at it back then. But recently, I’ve had other reminders that are much more “in my face” and are demanding to be noticed.
So — oops. Okay. The Big Universal Slap Upside the Head has been duly noted. Got it.
Note to self:
Take your own medicine, Liberty. Remember about balance. Go for a walk. Do some Tai Chi. Do your writing practice.
Get back to that piano and reconnect your fingers with your love of Chopin. Haul out the Italian lessons again. Eat! Don’t just graze while you continue to work!
And for heaven’s sake, would you take a nap???
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it!
Man, I can be such a nag!
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.
Read more below.