This Is Why You Should Stop Caring What Others Think
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I’m sure it’s a safe bet that you enjoy having your own thoughts and opinions. And I’m sure it’s a safe bet that you don’t appreciate others telling you what you should think about things.
I’d also hazard a guess that you don’t like it when someone tells you what they believe you think — especially when they’re wrong. And worse when they continue to insist they’re right.
Well, here’s a cool thought! It’s the same for everyone else on the planet!
All those other people will enjoy having their own thoughts and opinions. None of them will appreciate you telling them what they should think about things. Nor will they be too happy when you tell them what you believe they think, and when you insist you’re right about it.
And they will especially not like it when you’re wrong.
Whatever the topic, they don’t have to agree with you and it doesn’t matter who’s right. Besides, there might not even be a “right” or “wrong.” You can cram your opinions down their throats all you want. It won’t change the fact that they’re entitled to have all their own thoughts — just as you are.
If you expect others to feel the same way when it comes to you and your thoughts, then you must give them the same respect in return. Stop bothering yourself with what anyone else thinks. If it’s people who really care about you, they’ll support you even if they disagree with your choices.
And if it’s not someone who particularly gives a rat’s @$$ about you, why on earth would you care what they think? You’ll be tearing your hair out for nothing.
So cut yourself a major break and let it go. They’re probably too busy with their own lives to give much thought to what you do anyway.
The bottom line is simple: What anyone else thinks is none of your business, just as what you think is none of theirs.
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.
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