How To Use Physical Pain To Improve Your Life
Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
For about a month, I’ve been challenged by a painful (but not serious) condition. Actually, one condition that flares up now and then, plus an injury. Gotta love a “two-fer” as we say in Canada! (“Two fer” the price of one)
At times, the (nerve) pain was so bad I was in tears. I lost a fair bit of sleep and had a lot of trouble concentrating. I fell well behind in my work (and now am dealing with the fallout 🤦🏻♀️ ).
While doing a lot of energy healing on the painful areas, I’ve received numerous gifts of insight and Aha! moments.
One of the biggest reminders has been about patience. Although I know energy can move at lightning speed, I’m also aware that sometimes the physical body takes a while to catch up.
In my decades of using my natural energy-healing abilities, there were countless times I was able to remove someone’s pain in minutes. Even long-standing pain. So as I was chipping away at this issue for a couple of weeks with only temporary results each time, I admit to having given in to frustration.
(Can you spell “understated”?!)
I didn’t appreciate falling behind in all aspects of my life and work.
And I was not impressed with hurting. A lot.
Pain is exhausting.
Now I’m also being reminded of the patience required to slog through the mountain of backlog. *Sigh.*
One. Foot. In front of. The other. Rinse. Repeat.
I must resist the temptation to beat myself up (so far, so good. Whew! Guess I’ve finally learned that one!). I can only do my best.
And that means self-care has to be at the top of the list or everything falls apart.
Look at that! Another fab reminder from this mega-painful fiasco. There were several, actually. When we remain open to learning or seeing the gifts and blessings in our suffering, we can experience these little nudges and reminders. And sometimes, we receive life-altering insights that change everything for the better.
If you have to suffer, why not find meaning it? Makes sense to me!
I feel blessed to have had so many wonderful insights from this experience.
I will get caught up at some point. Apart from client appointments, all other “deadlines” are self-imposed so I can shift them as suits me. Ah, the joys of self-employment! Yay!
I’m almost back to normal now. Oh, wait! Let me rephrase that! I mean, um, normal “for me!” Ain’t nuthin’ too normal about this kid. 🙄
I’ve still got more healing to do but the situation is manageable now…
…which brought me to this splendiferous Oldie But Goodie tune, and a fun video watching this superstar band, Chicago, perform their 1973 mega-hit, “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day.”
Gotta love the bit at the end when they crank the energy into high gear! Woohoo! Kick off your shoes and dance like a crazy person! No one’s peeking in the window. I promise!
YouTube video courtesy of Parkwaymania
Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.
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