How To Be Sure You’re Nurturing Your Spiritual Journey
Photo by author: Image of “The Hierophant” from the Light Seer’s Tarot deck by
“Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti
The “Hierophant” sits between the seeker and Divine Source. He laughs at tradition, conformity, dogma, societal norms, those who follow blindly without questioning and without listening to their own inner wisdom. He invites you to question whether you’re stuck in old ways of acting or being, ways that no longer serve you.
If so, it is time to let them fall away so you can make space for new, better ways that support you.
He asks you to consider: What is it that needs to change? Beliefs that keep your mind closed? Following the herd because that’s what you’ve always done? Or following the ways of your parents and their parents and your ancestors before them, simply because that’s what is expected of you?
Perhaps it’s old habits that keep you eating foods that aren’t the greatest for optimum health, or you lack exercise, or you’re working too much. Not enough play time, down time, sleep time. Relaxing activities like spiritual practice, reading, meditation — out the proverbial window.
Maybe you’re neglecting hobbies, music, and creativity. Or you “don’t have time” for study and learning that would feed your mind and soul, opening yourself to new ideas, shifts in perspective or beliefs, expanding your spiritual life and thereby enhancing all other aspects of your life, too.
The Hierophant asks us to be sure we’re not engaging in ego-based leadership, but rather that we’re in service of Spirit, whether formally in terms of the kinds of work we do, or by virtue of simply being positive role models. He invites us to pursue — or get back on — a path of awakening and enlightenment. And no matter how much progress we’ve made in that journey, he invites us to keep seeking because there will always be more to learn, more ways in which we can expand, and deeper connections with Spirit to be made.
Think for yourself. Follow your heart, your inner knowing and inner questioning and seeking. This is how you become more “you,” which is the whole point of your existence. If you’re not willing to do that, you can’t access that staircase to higher spiritual learning and connection.
“Tradition is the illusion of permanence.” — Woody Allen
Be open to new thoughts, perspectives and teachers, always seeking to understand yourself and to pay attention to what is motivating you. This helps to maintain clear focus and integrity.
Always remember that although you will find wisdom in the teachings of mystics and others, your own heart’s wisdom is what matters most.
Be your own guru, and seek the guidance that comes from your faith, beliefs, and your own unique essence.
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As a Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, I will guide you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.