The Wheel of Life Keeps Turning…
Author’s photo of “The Wheel” — from the Light Seer’s Tarot deck by Chris-Anne
In the meantime, pay attention to its messages
“Please subdue the anguish of your soul. Nobody is destined only to happiness or to pain. The wheel of life takes one up and down by turn.” — Kalidasa
This is one of my favourite cards in the Tarot. “The Wheel” of Life represents synchronicity, serendipity and opportunity. It is about fate, destiny and turning points. It will often show up when you’re about to receive a divine blessing.
It can be too easy to brush off serendipitous happenings as “coincidence.” If you find yourself thinking you’ve just had some sort of lucky break, pay attention to the subject matter. Think of those happenings as sign posts on a road to somewhere splendiferous! What are they saying? Which way are they pointing? What might that road take you?
Or did that “lucky break” just crank up bright runway lights on the path ahead of you?
It’s always important to listen to your intuition, and especially when the Wheel turns up in a reading. Watch for opportunities that will move you forward. Perhaps a “lucky” meeting, an unexpected opportunity, something will be presented to you that will change everything for the better. Watch for signs; serendipity is at work!
“I have never chosen my next job. I focus on what’s in front of me, and serendipity steps in.” — Susan Brooks
Be mindful of how you view such “lucky” opportunities. It’s human nature (i.e. Ego’s job) to think or fear the worst, to push away possibilities for success because in keeping ourselves small, we stay safe.
Do not allow yourself to sabotage your success or any steps toward it by rejecting the idea that maybe something great just happened, or is about to happen, or might happen. If those thoughts wander through your head and make you doubt that beautiful door in front of you and that’s begging you to please open it, tell them to take a long walk off a short pier!
Allow the Universe to work its magic and deliver your dreams to you by keeping an open mind and paying attention to the signs that will lead you to them. The only way to make those dreams come true is to walk toward them.
You ain’t never gonna get there if you turn tail and run screaming for the hills.
The Wheel of Life is always in motion and can indicate that you’re cycling up through karmic lessons. Just like being on a ferris wheel, sometimes you’re at the top and all looks fabulous.
And then of course there are those other times when you’re at the bottom.
Sure as anything, though, that Wheel is always moving, ever turning, so no matter how dark things get, you can be sure that brighter days are ahead. Challenges are difficulties are part of life. They push us, test us, and teach us — if we’re willing to be students and learn, because there is no “teaching” without the other side of it involving “learning.”
And as my former spiritual mentor and advisor used to say, “Life is for learning.”
It would be lovely if all learning could be like sitting in a classroom, being spoon-fed the information we need, receiving a sweet little pat on the head for having done a good job absorbing the info, and moving on to the next grade. Ahhh, just imagine that for a moment… 😍💭
Yeah, I can’t either.
Sometimes Life is just plain hard. It’s ugly, nasty, painful — a right S.O.B., if you ask me (and even if you don’t).
It’s essential to your happiness and your personal progress and development to remember that even those ugliest, nastiest and most painful parts of life will leave gifts. Always. There will be blessings in even the worst of situations. You just have to choose to find them.
So when you find yourself at the bottom of the Wheel, focus on the fact that it’s always moving. You’re on your way back up to the top again, just like with that ferris wheel.
And while you’re down there, you might as well make the best of a bad situation (the “Empress of Soul,” Gladys Knight and her Pips sure did back in 1973…).
Video courtesy of Gladys Knight on YouTube
Trust the Wheel to keep you moving, urging you forward, allowing you — and encouraging you — to take the good from the pain and leave the past where it belongs as you make your way back to the top again.
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