A Reading: Connecting an Audience Member with Her Beloved "Nan"
Grainy screenshot by author
The video below was recorded by an audience member so it is far from a professional effort. It was also taken some time ago on a small digital camera, not one of the fancy schmancy high quality smart phones of today.
Nonetheless, it gives you a taste of being there when this lovely lady received a much-needed message from the spirit realm.
If you would prefer to read rather than watch, the transcript is below the video.
A nan in spirit wants her granddaughter to laugh again
Note: At the beginning of every private session or public event, I always asked clients/audience members not to give me any information during the reading, other than to answer my questions with, “Yes,” “No,” or “I don’t know.” Further, I advised them that if I were to ask a question that required anything more than that for clarity, I wanted only the briefest answer possible.
Not only did this help me offer a clean reading, it removed any speculation that I was merely feeding back what I’d already been told, or that I was making educated guesses.
In other words, it removed the possibility that I was a fraud.
I knew nothing when the sessions started, other than who it was they hoped would come through or what they hoped to achieve from our time together.
In the interests of brevity, what is written below is a condensed version of the reading.
Liberty: Would you be willing to work with me to bring a loved one through?
Audience Member (AM): Yes.
Liberty: Yes? And who would that be?
AM: Nan. My nan.
Liberty: Your nan. Okay. It does help if I know who, only because I’ve got to filter out a whole bunch of people who would step up and go — you know, elbowing each other to get to the front of the queue so I do need to know who it is and let’s see if we can get her to come through for you.
(Pause while tuning in!)
Is she very petite, a small lady?
AM: Yes.
Liberty: Because I feel like she’s a very delicate lady.
AM: Yes.
Liberty: And her nature is very much the way she looks. I get this feeling of her being just — just how you’d expect her to be if that makes sense.
AM: Yes.
Liberty: Just by the way she looks. Very quiet, very, very soft spoken.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: Sometimes you get little people like that who are really feisty. And she’s a very strong woman but her nature is very — very gentle. She wants me to acknowledge that you have had, the way she puts it, a very hard life. Do you understand this?
AM: Mm-hm.
Liberty: She’s talking about — it’s a bit of feelings, bit of words — it feels like what she means by that is very much in the emotional sense, a lot of — she shows me a slab, like a great stone slab on you and she’s putting boulders on top. To me, that always indicates a lot of feeling very sort of burdened and very weighted, does that make sense?
AM: Not really, no.
Liberty: No? It’s like in an emotional way, that she’s trying to say, not physically but emotionally, does that make sense?
AM: Yeah. Yeah.
Liberty: She’s — she says there’s been a long period of that. It does feel as though almost like every time you just think you’re getting out of that, you get knocked back again and she’s been aware of this. She does still try to give you support from the other side but of course, that can be a bit difficult, you know. But they do try; she is there with you. She wishes she could be here. She says you really need a lot of hugs.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: And it also feels as though there’s some kind of — she’s talking about a decision? A decision that’s been made or that you’re needing to make?
AM: Don’t know,
Liberty: Maybe something coming up?
AM: Maybe.
Liberty: She shows me, looks like a fork, and she keeps saying the word decision so just keep that with you.
AM: Yeah. I will.
Liberty: She’s also talking about May? Does May mean anything to you in particular with relation to to her or just with you? A birthday or anniversary?
AM: A birthday, yeah.
Liberty: Whose birthday?
AM: My husband.
Liberty: Your husband’s birthday. It may be her way of acknowledging him but she says May, something happens in May.
Is there some sort of a — I wouldn’t call it really a division but it’s like you’re feeling kind of like you’re off on your own. It’s like you’re — you’re sort of separate, there’s — feeling separate or feeling alone, she’s got you pushed over to the side, does that make sense?
AM: Yes. Yeah.
Liberty: Okay. She’s giving me this — things seem to be kind of moving in a more positive direction recently. It’s like there’s been — just for a little while, things have been — finally you’re kind of going, ah, you can relax a little bit and things are moving in a more positive way. She just wants to say she’s really pleased about that. She’s been sort of rooting for you. I’m glad to see you’re finally at that point because as she’s showing me behind you, I just feel really — my back aches, which is the way she’s making me feel, just so weighted with emotional —
AM: Yeah
Liberty: — stuff, but you’ve been sort of throwing that off and she’s also saying that by the time you get to about June, as you’re sort of late in the spring and moving into summer, things are going to be a lot better. I don’t know if there’s something in particular that happens then, but she’s certainly saying around that time, things are a lot lighter for you and — and you can look forward to that.
Also, not that you’re stuck like this, because you are improving or the situation is improving so that you’ll continue to feel better as you move along through those months.
She’s waiting for you to laugh again. She says you used to have quite a sense of humour, but it’s like you lost it and people have been noticing. She’s saying people have been commenting on — they don’t hear you laughing or —
AM: (She nods)
Liberty: — and it’s a weird — people don’t often say that! But she’s — she’s saying that they’re noticing and commenting to you, but that will be — that will be changing as well. Things are on the upswing for you, so she’s pleased to see that.
There’s this period where — she’s talking about you not talking to her and she wants you to talk to her. I thought it was a recent talking to her again, but it’s like talk to me again.
AM: (Nods) Okay.
Liberty: Okay. That’s the point. So you stopped talking to her, she didn’t like that. Okay. She just wants to pass her love along to you and tell you that she’s, you know, she’s == she’s, you know, she’s not missing you but knows you’r missing her, obviously, and she’s really glad to have had a chance to come through and say hello. And she can give quite a hug. She’s a little lady but I feel like I’m really being squeezed.
AM: Yes. (Nods)
Liberty: You wouldn’t expect it from her. She did look like the type of lady who would give you a delicate little (indicating) but she’s like (big squeeze) but I feel like it’s really quite tight and she just wants me to pass that along to you. Thanks for working with me.
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