A Reading: Woman in Audience Gets a Loving Message from Mum in Spirit
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Debilitating grief has paralyzed this woman — until now.
This was my first appearance on stage as a medium. I was the guest of another medium, “Trev,” and he had gone first. During his readings, he had briefly acknowledged the woman I’m about to assist. I open with teasing her about being picked on because she was getting my reading, too.
Another audience member recorded this on a small camera and it’s obvious it was quite some time ago. Still an enjoyable recording for me, remembering how desperately this woman needed the comfort of her dear mum’s visit from the spirit realm.
If you would prefer to read rather than watch, the transcript is below the video.
Note: At the beginning of every private session or public event, I always asked clients/audience members not to give me any information during the reading, other than to answer my questions with, “Yes,” “No,” or “I don’t know.” Further, I advised them that if I were to ask a question that required anything more than that for clarity, I wanted only the briefest answer possible.
Not only did this help me offer a clean reading, it removed any speculation that I was merely feeding back what I’d already been told, or that I was making educated guesses.
In other words, it removed the possibility that I was a fraud.
I knew nothing when the sessions started, other than who it was they hoped would come through or what they hoped to achieve from our time together.
In the interests of brevity, what is written below is a condensed version of the reading.
Liberty: Yes, this lady in the back is being picked on!
Audience Member (AM): (Laughter)
Liberty: Same lady. You.
AM: Me?
Liberty: Yes.
AM: Oh.
Liberty: Back to you! Yes. I feel as though I have your mum in spirit? Is it Mum?
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: And when Trev was talking to you, I thought this — this is the one that we were connecting with, yeah?
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: ‘Cause it felt very much like the woman I was picking up before he stood up. And what she’s giving me is a really, really tremendous sense of loss for you. It doesn’t feel like — okay, well obviously that’s going to be a tremendous loss, but there — she’s just — I really can’t describe it. I just feel this overwhelming sadness and heaviness around you to do with this.
It’s like — she’s saying it’s like your life has stopped now without her. Yeah?
AM: (Cries)
Liberty: And she’s wanting desperately for you to know she is still here with you. She doesn’t leave you. It feels like it’s fairly recent, and she says she’s with you all the time.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: And you must know this. She says there are times you think you feel it but you don’t trust it because you’re thinking it’s wishful thinking.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: And she says, no. When you feel me there, I am there, and even when you don’t feel me there, she is there.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: And she does not leave you. She’s — she’s saying it’s like your life has absolutely stopped and you are so stuck, you cannot move forward. It’s like you’re just in cement and that’s it since you lost your mum.
AM: (Nods)
Liberty: And she’s — she’s wanting — wanting you to find a way to move forward again. She understands it because you were very, very close. And it got very intense at the end, she says, very, very intense, and for you especially, it’s like — well, everyone around her would have loved her and it would have been difficult, but for you in particular, there’s something different?
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: She’s not saying what, but it’s very different for you and very intense and this is why this is just — it’s almost like — well, it is like there’s this gaping hole in your life where she was, where taking care of her was, where so much of what you did had to do with your mum and trying to help her and see to her needs and — and just loving her. And then that just stopped when she passed and there’s this big emptiness for you, and you don’t know what to do to fill it, and she’s aware of this.
And she’s just desperately wanting you to find a way to just move ahead now.
She’s also saying that this feels to you like a bit of a loyalty issue, that somehow you feel like if you move on, you’re forgetting her. If you laugh again, you’re forgetting her. If you have any joy in your life, you’re forgetting her. And she just says, this is silly. She said, “Remember who I was.”
And she was a joyful woman and she’s a loving woman and she’s very, very — the family is everything to this woman and trying to have everybody be encouraged and feel good. She was like the backbone and — and she doesn’t want everybody to just — well, you in particular, to be just stuck and not having any joy.
That’s not who she was, that’s not what she was about at all, that’s not what she taught you and she really needs for you to move on. And it’s okay to laugh again, it’s okay to tell a joke, it’s okay to have fun, it’s okay to go on vacation, there’s something about not going away, something about not — you put something off, you were going to go somewhere but you put this off, yeah?
AM: (Nods)
Liberty: And she says go. Pack your bags and go, and she wants you to have a good time. She says, think of me while you’re there, she’ll be there, too, she doesn’t leave you. But you must get unstuck. It doesn’t mean you don’t love her, it doesn’t mean you don’t miss her, because those things will never change and she’s not going anywhere.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: You just miss the physical presence, of course, and you miss her voice and you miss the hugs and you miss her doing this (indicating stroking cheek) she would touch your face, yeah?
AM: (Nods)
Liberty: And that was her thing, and she says you’re missing this, that she would just stroke your face. She says she still does this, and she says that there have been times you thought she was doing that and you weren’t imagining that either. So she just really needs for you to know she absolutely is with you, doesn’t leave you, and you must have your life again. Her loss is tremendous but it’s just the physical loss really. I don’t mean to diminish it but she hasn’t gone anywhere she’s still there.
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: Talk to her, you can still love her, you can still enjoy your life, just pack your bags, go on vacation, and you know, have your life again. This is what she wants for you. It’s okay for you to have your life back. Does this make sense?
AM: Yeah.
Liberty: Okay. And I hope that’s helpful for you.
AM: Thank you.
Liberty: You’re welcome.
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