Channelled Message From "Judgement"
Photo courtesy of mohamedhassan on
“At the end of the day, you need someone who listens to you with no judgement.”
Payal Rohatgi
You and I have met before. You know my power, and you’ve experienced it from both sides. You know that when someone uses me against you, I have the power to derail your plans, to stop you in your tracks and make you doubt yourself.
I can even make you doubt your dreams and your carefully-laid-out plans. And this always surprises me. But I see it happen time and time again. You believe in your dreams in your most quiet, private moments. Or at least this is when you have your best chance at believing in them.
You might even still believe in them when you share them with those who are closest to you, the few whom you can trust not to say anything against them.
You go to them for validation of your idea or your dream so you confide in people you think will offer to you and who will judge you or your dream in your favour.
The more you do this, the more certain you are of your dreams, even though you’re basing them on the opinions of others who do not know and cannot know your heart or your dreams in the intimate way that you do. Those people are still judging you or they’re still judging your dreams — only they’re doing so favourably.
Although, you can never know if their inner thoughts are to the contrary. And whether or not they are, you do not see that their favourable opinions are merely another side of me. Those people are still judging whether or not they think your dream is foolish or fantastic. They are still judging whether or not they think you could do it.
And if they do not believe in your ability to achieve your dreams, they can still choose to show their support — even if on the inside, they have reservations about your plans.
The problem with this is that when you share your plans with people who are likely to give you the answer that you want to hear, you’re still allowing me to join forces with your self-doubt. And you’re still seeking the approval of others in an effort to stop allowing me to have any control in your life.
But your friends have free will. They may or may not be on your side. Even the most trusted friends will sometimes play devil’s advocate or might just have another opinion about your dreams.
And if you doubt yourself and are allowing me to make it worse, this is about you. It has nothing to do with what they think or believe — or don’t.
Even if you believe in your dream 100% and are happy to share it with any and all who will listen, I’m still there waiting to crush you when the doubters speak their minds. I’m there waiting to pounce when you change your appearance or try a new business or meet someone new to love.
You’re always expecting me to show up or you’re fearing that I will because I’m a bit sneaky sometimes and I delight in broadsiding you when you are unprepared. I hide sometimes in your closest allies, your dearest friends and even in people you’ve just met. You smile your smiles and you say all the right words to convince yourself that all is well and you know yourself and you’re doing everything correctly.
You might be drowning in desperation, doing your best to tell yourself that your disease will be cured. Or you’ll get that job you need so badly or that your child really will pull through a frightening situation.
And then a few words from someone else, even a random stranger, and there I am in your face, telling you that you’re not good enough. You’re not doing it correctly. It won’t happen. Forget it. It’ll never be.
I team up with that tiniest bit of self-doubt that you may or may not have realised was lurking in your heart.
I can rip you to shreds in one sentence. I can bring you to your knees in just a few short syllables. And I can do it without the least bit of compassion or kindness. I do not care what I do to you. I am cold. I am hard. I have no feelings at all. I am completely neutral.
Quite simply, I show up to be a reflection of your own lack of faith in yourself. I show up to help you see those self-doubts that remain whether they’re hidden or not. I show up to remind you to believe in yourself and to ignore me, but too often you do not do this.
In fact, not only do I show up in your world by being directed at you, whether by yourself or anyone else, but also in your thoughts about others. You might enjoy calling yourself non-judgmental but are you really? Can you honestly say that I never cross your mind? That I never assist you in forming instant opinions about the choices or actions of another?
Can you honestly say that you’ve never had a passing thought about someone’s appearance or behaviour or decisions? That you never professed — even if only inwardly or to your friends — that you know better about someone else’s decisions than they do and that those decisions are a mistake?
How can you sit in judgment of another person’s journey? And who are you to decide if anyone is making a mistake? The life lessons of others are for their benefit. They are part of that person’s journey. Whether or not those lessons are learned the first or the tenth time is none of your concern.
And who are you to decide that all ten times are not necessary and ultimately going to be of benefit to that person, and therefore potentially benefit to others when the insights that are gained are then shared?
And whether or not their lives end in what you might deem to be tragic or unnecessary conditions, it is not for you to understand, to reason, or to judge. Whether it was their karma or free will or fate or anything else, you will never know. Nor should you know.
And why is it so important for you to sit in judgement of another’s life?
Do you appreciate it when others aim their judgement at you? Do you enjoy hearing others tell you how you should live your life, raise your children, run your business or anything else, unless you’ve specifically asked for their guidance? I suspect the answer is no.
Your journey is your business. It is for you to learn what you will need in order to progress along your own path and its various twists and turns. You need not and must not concern yourself with the journeys of others.
If your only comments, thoughts or opinions are about how misguided or wrong they are, then I am showing up to remind you of how little you appreciate others doing the same to you.
I am a mirror for you. And I will show up in the way that others treat you to reflect the way you’re treating them.
Does this mean that even if you were to master living in complete non-judgment, no one would ever judge you again? Or that on occasions when you have not judged someone else that they still judge you?
It does mean, however, that you would not flinch in the slightest. It would mean that you would not be judging yourself and therefore, cannot be impacted by the judgement of others. It would mean that you would send them love, and you would understand that those people are on their own journeys, as you are on yours.
And it would mean that you’re giving them a gift when they offer judgement and you do not receive it and instead, you return kindness and tolerance. They have an opportunity to experience non-judgement which may or may not leave a lasting impression.
You might tell me that you need me in order to make the best choices for yourself, your family and all aspects of your life.
I would respectfully suggest that there’s a difference between needing to gather all relevant facts and make a considered decision for your well-being and using me as a weapon of superiority and arrogance.
And whether or not you want to admit it, you know exactly what I mean by that because you will have done this at some point in your life. You cannot help it you are human.
The goal is to be aware of my presence in your life and to do your best to reach a point where you live without me in those ways that are hurtful and that hold you back from being the best version of yourself that you can be.
To make an assessment and a decision based on facts is one thing, and it is incumbent upon you to do this for your betterment, for your safety, and your overall enjoyment of your time in this life. To use me against someone based on your opinions, beliefs and interpretation of their actions in a way that leaves you feeling like you’re better than they are is something else altogether.
It is especially helpful to remember this if you find yourself using me against people who matter to you. Would it not be much more kind and loving to seek understanding of what remains to be understood?
Do not simply dismiss them because you cannot make sense of their choices. Their answers might surprise you, should you take the time to discover what they are. Their perspectives might offer insights and wisdom that help you on your own journey. By seeking to understand another you allow yourself to release me, to become tolerant and to expand in your own personal growth.
I am not suggesting that you must agree with everything that others do. I am merely suggesting that you leave me out of the equation and strive to live with an absence of judgement in your considerations. You can understand that the choice of another is not one you would make for yourself but you can do this while still accepting and respecting the choices that others make for themselves.
I show up to bring separation. I show up to divide friends, families, communities, even whole countries.
I show up to prevent you from loving one another and being kind to each other.
I show up to keep you from being compassionate. I show up to keep you thinking about yourself and your own experiences and refusing to accept those of others.
I show up to make you feel powerful when your own lack of confidence or lack of belief in yourself can make you feel fearful.
I show up to cover feelings of inadequacy, or your unwillingness to embrace something new and different. I show up to keep you playing small when you are afraid you would fail if you try to play big.
Do I do this because I want those results for you? It does not matter what I want. My purpose is to test you. My purpose is to take you to these places so that you will experience the discomfort that they cause.
You will experience the separation and division. You will experience the separation from yourself.
And when it all gets to be too much and you understand the enormous role that I have played in your life in all my many colours, you will then be moved to release me.
Do not expect me to go down without a fight. I have a chokehold on many of you are most deeply-rooted beliefs and opinions. But one thought at a time, one uncomfortable moment with me after another, if you wish that I would release you from my grasp, I will obey.
I will have no choice in the matter because you hold the key. You can either allow my chokehold or you can show me the door.
My invitation to you is to begin paying attention to the many ways in which I show up in your life. Whether you are on the receiving end and allowing me to crush your dreams or your general belief in yourself or the things you do in your life…or whether it is in your passing thoughts of others, how they look what they wear, how they live or what they enjoy.
I suspect that if you consider yourself to be someone who is non-judgemental you might discover that there is still some room for improvement.
Enjoy the video of this message: