How To Be a Miracle While Waiting for Your Own
Photo courtesy of StuartMiles at
“Miracles are effortless.”
— Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
I’ll bet you’ve had at least one miracle in your life. And quite probably, many more than that. Perhaps some were small but they were miracles, nonetheless.
It’s possible that you need another one now. If so, I hope you get it. And in the meantime, you can be a miracle for someone else.
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make a monumental difference in someone’s life, to give a bit of hope, a little relief. It might not be a big deal to you but to the person you helped, it can mean the world.
There are people in need everywhere. They’re in need of a visit, a lift to a medical appointment, or information about a support service. They need a meal made, a kitchen tidied, a load of laundry done. They need a little fresh air, some weeds pulled, help with homework.
They might just need to know someone cares.
As you go about your life, rushing through one hectic day after another, diving into a full workload and being busybusybusy thinking about what you have to do and where you have to be, watch for ways to make a difference for someone else. It doesn’t have to take more than a kind word, or just a few moments of your time to listen.
If you pay attention, you might hear people say they need something you could do.
Remember, they don’t always say, “I need….” Sometimes you have to “listen between the lines.” Offer something specific. Or maybe even ask, “What do you need most right now?” Maybe it’s some
If you keep yourself open to being of service, you will find plenty of opportunities, both big and small, to work miracles in the lives of others.
You may not even know you’re doing it. But that’s not the point. The point is, each of those people will get a miracle.
And you’ll become one.