How To Make Sure You're Not Being Judgmental

Photo courtesy of this author: Earth Magic Oracle Deck by Steven D Farmer


I’m sure that if you’re like most people, you’ve discovered how much it sucks when others make assumptions about something you’ve said or done.

It’s especially miserable when those assumptions have negative consequences. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding at work or between friends and the next thing you know, you’re out of a job or your friend won’t return your calls.

This is what happens when we don’t look for a deeper meaning. We don’t explore what might be going on, especially if we think something seems “off.”

The best way to avoid those nasty issues with assumptions is to just ask. Dig deeper. Of course, this could be tricky, depending on the situation, e.g. if it’s a virtual stranger.

The point is to be willing to look at everything with an open mind. Trust that there could be a deeper meaning, something else lying below the surface.

Like Steven Covey mentions in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He relates the story of being on the subway one morning. It’s quiet, nice and calm, people are reading papers, etc. A man gets on with two kids. The man stares at the floor and is oblivious to his kids bouncing off the walls and annoying the hell out of everyone else.

Finally, Covey asks the man gently if he could please do something to control his children.

The man seems somewhat startled back to reality and says that they just left the hospital where his wife died an hour earlier.

All is not always as it seems. Before you leap to judgment, dig deeper. Think outside the box. Keep an open mind. Ask questions and seek to find clarity and understanding about whatever is buried below the surface.

This could strengthen existing relationships or build new ones. It could offer you an opportunity to show compassion or kindness to someone who is struggling.

Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.

Read more below.

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