The Power and Simplicity of Self-Healing

The Power and Simplicity of Self-Healing


A fascinating page-turner about the author's self-healing journey from critical illness to restored health. Loaded with scientific evidence, the metaphysical, the mysterious, and much more. Revolutionises the way we look at illness and healing.

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We've all heard those occasional stories of people who have recovered from untreatable or incurable conditions. There are those who are told they'll never walk again but they do. There are those who are riddled with malignant tumours and given a death sentence, but the tumours vanish. There are numerous documented cases like these around the world.

We think nothing of our ability to recover from illnesses, injuries, broken bones. But why stop there? Why is it impossible to believe that we can heal ourselves of anything more serious than a broken arm or a really bad flu? It is only because we have not known we could do it.

For thousands of years, we have turned to medicine men, healers of all kinds throughout the ages, unaware that each of us possesses the power to create - and to heal - our illnesses.

The Power and Simplicity of Self-Healing is a fascinating and empowering page-turner, chock full of astonishing information that revolutionises the way we look at illness and healing. In this life-changing book, Liberty Forrest encompasses a wide range of seemingly disconnected and unrelated subjects, yet each one is a separate piece of an incredible and complex puzzle. In her warm and easy style, she explains each of those puzzle pieces one by one,ultimately revealing a startlingly simple picture that provides indisputable scientific proof that we can heal ourselves of virtually any illness.

With relevant interjections about her own story of suffering and healing, Liberty covers a multitude of topics in a step-by-step systematic fashion, layering one piece of information on another and building a strong foundation so that all of the pieces are well-connected and logical. Drawing on a wealth of information from numerous medical professionals, researchers, and scientists along with the metaphysical, mysterious and inexplicable, Liberty drops one fascinating piece of the puzzle after another into its rightful place, creating multifaceted and undeniable proof that self-healing is not only possible and powerful, but very simple for anyone to do. If she could do it, you could, too.